Pit Kralsky, pseudonym of Goran Trenchovski is a Macedonian-born director, writer, author, lecturer. PhD in literature and film. Founder AND CEO of AsterFest, and with his wife co-founder of the journal Anglo-Slavica. He graduated in film and theatre directing at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, then did research for a year in Prague. He has directed TV and film projects in varied genres, as well as a number of plays and scripts by both classical and contemporary authors. His directions are screened and staged worldwide and have won several awards. He is the author of nine books of essays and has written two plays. His forthcoming book is an English edition of From Beggar to King by himself. He is a member of the European Film Academy and of the British Comparative Literature Association. After receiving the prize at Cardiff International Film Festival in autumn 2018, he has subsequently STARTed ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES HERE. TRENCHOvski lives in MACEDONIA and in UK.
the new website www.kralsky.com
the new website www.kralsky.com
WEBSITE concept
Luka Trenchovski
Luka Trenchovski